Hello to my new readers and thank you for all the lovely comments. Well the Crafty Princess and Auntie Nene and I went to the Craft Show at Rosehill yesterday. Our royal personages were accompanied by the Crafty Princess' mum - better known as the Beading Queen and Jen B - better known as Australia's Answer to Martha Stewart. The Beading Queen will make ANYTHING in beads - and we mean ANYTHING. But she is a subject for another day....and a blog post all her own. Sadly the Quilting Queen sent a text as I waited in the ticket queue that she could not attend as she had been nearly washed away in flooding in the City the day before and now had a horrible cold. She must have been genuinely ill for the Quilting Queen to miss a craft show!!! Kleenex and Vicks for you Coral.
Bright and early we got there, and thankfully the rain held off, and it was beautifully sunny. Mind you as we spent all day inside flitting from one craft shop to another it really was off little significance - it could have been sleeting and snowing we would not have cared.
Bought a few things....wouldn't want the other thousands of things in the To Be Done List get lonely......
Kids are funny....I made a Advent Calender for my nephew and nieces....and then my son who is now nearly 15, was most put out that I had never made him one.......so...................See above. At least I have nearly 9 months to get it done!
Bought a lovely pattern for a sampler "Christmas Garden" - this will go on the pile. The Thea Governeur kit is a large one of Pears and has a matching one of Apples. They are both lovely, to be sewn on linen, but sadly I could not afford both, even though they were on special. Will save up for the Apples. Also bought myself a new 6" cutting square in luminous yellow,I simply cannot see the number on my old square anymore - my eyes are going!!

I have nearly finished a little flannel quilt for a neighbours baby and remembered how lovely and comforting flannel is....so I found a lovely collection of flannels which I will put together (the collection on the right) - JUST FOR ME. The other bundle of a selection of William Morris prints (another favourite of mine) and I am going to make myself a circular bag to put knitting and sewing stuff in for when The Quilting Queen and I go on our Stitches and Stately Homes tour....so I have until next September to get that finished. Also bought a big chunk of cream 32 count linen for various projects yet to be completed.
And saving the best till last.....Herewith The Crafty Princess and I visit the Lovely Boys aka Sewitall. Peter and Wayne sell a wonderful selection of linens and evenweave and Aida. We have named them the Lovely Boys - they really are lovely and very knowledgeable about counts and weaves and colours and measurements. Thoroughly recommend their website
Peter, mrsdibble, Crafty Princess and Wayne |
So after a lovely day.....when even Auntie Nene bought another cross stitch project - we were basically turfed out of Rosehill Racecourse at 4.30. Now I have even more things I need to get to......hope I can get something finished before June when there is an even bigger craft show at Darling Harbour!!!
Happy stitching to all!!