Could not work out why the flowers I had stitched in the border of the Anniversary Sampler were further from the inner border than it showed on the pattern.......then the horrible realisation dawned................*&&%$%&^%%$%)$#% The first leaf was wrong...and that was the one that a lined all the others up from. I know I said how I liked samplers because they chimed with the OCD side of my personality.....but I did not take into account my inability to count or to concentrate all the time and get the bloody thing right. One stitch out and DISASTER can ensue.
So, I have 3 options - * unpicked the whole right hand border (hardly an option)
* rejig the offending leaf and unpick and resew the right hand side
of the inner border
* leave it just as it is...and hope it is not too obvious
Cannot face the first option, averse as I am to unpicking anything.
Option 3 I know will not be good as I will see it forever and it will drive me crazy, plus I would have to dodgy up the other side of the inner border and do the corresponding leaf with an extra long, no can't face that option - samplers are by definition very neat and balanced and, I have to admit, just a tiny bit anal (in the nicest possible way you understand). Anyway here are some will see how much I have done and hopefully understand how I cannot go with unpicking......
See double leaf thingy right at the top corner of the
inner border....
longer stem than the others - and of course lined it up
2 crosses in from
the inner border....if I unpick it and resew and move the inner
border over a
stitch or two balance and harmony will be restored - with the
least amount of unpicking (always to be desired) |
Could just spit....2 stitches out....that is all it takes - Golden Wood with it
flexibility seems almost restful by comparison |