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Friday, March 11, 2011

We are going to finish something - we have promised

Well the Crafty Princess and I went to the Craft Expo at Rosehill the other day - with Jen B and the Crafty Princess' Mum (does that make her the Crafty Queen??) - anyway, it was very much quilt oriented which was not good in a way, as we were looking for cross stitch stuff - there were really only 3 stalls exclusively cross stitching and then one fabric stall.  This stall sold precut Aida and Evenweave and Linen in a whole range of colours, and is run by two knowledgeable and charming men who are business partners and partners in life as well - William and Peter.  They have both done cross stitch themselves and William's brain was lightening fast at working out inches to centimetres and back again and could calculate whether a pattern which was quoted in 25 count could fit on this piece which was was 22 count....a genius.  They were so charming and helpful and they sell online sewitall.com.au  - would recommend them to anyone.......ANYWAY the upshot of it all was, that they were rather aghast at the fact that I was restarting my cross stitching with a Heaven & Earth Design....and then when they found out that the Princess had about 15 projects on the go and 50 or so waiting in the wings they were.....WELL!!!!!!!   Anyway somehow we found ourselves (mainly instigated by me in a effort to appease them I suspect) promising to come and see them at the Darling Harbour Show with something finished.....so I actually have to finish something.


  1. I thought I had a lot of cross stitch projects on the go (not to mention the knitting & quilting ones) but I've got quite as many as 15.

    I love shows but they can be difficult depending what you are after at the time.

  2. Yes, those bloody shows....I can resist anything but temptation....even when I go with a specific intention of only buying gadgets (as I did this time)....hopeless....have to live to be 400 or become a vampire

  3. Mrs D. I'm working hard on my faces of faery as she is the only one that has a chance of being finished by June. Ironically the fabric she is being stitched I purchased from Willy and Pete from the Darling Harbour show last year!! So they will be doubly pleased to see a finished HAED chart and on their fabric as well. Gotta go and stitch a bit before work tonight. See you there my gorgeous sister of the thread and other things good! xo Alicia
